Feb 11, 2011

#81 When Shaking Hands

Three things you must remember when it comes to handshake:  First, make eye contact first with the opposite person before even shaking his/her hand, and maintain that eye contact the entire time.  Lack of eye contact prior or during a handshake usually tells the other person that you are either insecure, shy, fearful, uninterested, or that you dislike the other person.  Eye contact is best accompanied by a sincere smile. Second, have the palm of your right hand be slightly facing upward toward the sky (around 10 or 11 o'clock).  This sends the subtle message that you are friendly, welcoming and that you are here to help or serve the other person.  In contrast, palm down indicates an authoritative personality.  Third, a firm handshake is better than a weak one.

If you follow these three things, you'll do just fine.  Nothing's worse than shaking the hand of someone who keeps looking to the floor or elsewhere, someone with a sweaty hand, or the one who at first extended their entire hand only to let you shake the tips of their (index and middle) fingers.  Also, in cold weather, make sure to take your glove off, as a sign of respect.  These are simple things that they don't teach you in school that can make or break your career or opportunities.

If you are sick with flu or suspect the other person has a cold or some contagious disease, just do the knuckle bump or fist bump.  It's quite acceptable these days.  Don't do it to your boss or teachers since it may appear disrespectful.

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