Dec 20, 2010

#44 You Can Do Whatever You Need to Do In Life Through Christ

When you experience moments in life that make you want to say this like, "This is too hard,  I don't think I can do this," know that God will not call you to do anything He will not be enable and empower you to do.  God is love and He never changes.  J. Meyer observes, "Although God never authors bad things, He does use them for our spiritual growth.  For example, He may use a grouchy person to help us become more patient.  God did not cause the person to be grouchy, but neither does He remove them from our life when we asked Him to.  Instead, He uses them to change us!"

"I can do whatever I need to in in life through Christ." ~ Philippians 4:13

"Yet amid all these things we are more than conquerors and gain a surpassing victory through Him Who loved us." ~ Romans 8:37

These shall be one of your morning and evening affirmations.

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