Jan 17, 2011

#74 Passion

Some people took years to find theirs.  You know you'll find that thing you are passionate about when you would enjoy doing it so much that others can see it and you will even do it when you're not even being paid for it.

 For instances, Bill Gates still went to work and tinkled and played with computer and software development even after he made his first million (as of 2010 his networth was $54,000 millions or $54 billion dollars).  Beethoven still played and composed amazing music after he went deaf.  Musicians will continue to play their instrument or sing any time of the day even when they are not performing.  Basketball or soccer players will still continue to play even when they are not professionally competing.  Travelers and adventurers will still explore and conquer new places even if it takes walking for hundreds of miles or camping under zero degree weather.  You'd love it so much that you'd do it for free.  What makes it even better is if you can actually harness this passion and turn it into something you can make a living off of and in the process, you are helping others.  Now that's a good life full of passion.

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