Jan 16, 2011

#73 Ignore People Who Say, "Just watch, when blank blank blank, you will..."

Many people, likely stemming from a good intention, will give their piece of  unsolicited "wisdom" with sentences like the following:

"Just watch, when that daughter of yours turn two, she will **insert hellish experience here** and you will understand why it's called the terrible two."

"Just watch, when you turn 30 (or 40 or 60, etc.) you'll wake up with pain in your **insert body parts here** and you'll feel you age."

"When you have children someday, you won't be able to travel / do this hobby / do these adventures as much..."

There will always be nay-sayers.  In response, you can tell them, "I'm looking forward to be the first who beat the odds."

Your mom and I have always been world-travelers and adventurers. Before we had you (waited four years after we got married), tons of (surely) well-intentioned relatives and friends have said, "Once you have kids, you won't be able to do as much traveling."  Well, they were wrong.  By the time you were two, you have already been to twelve states and four countries.  Are we filthy rich?  No.  We are just doing what we love to do and prioritize.  We know of several families whose combined income is probably less than $30K a year yet they have been to at least half of the states and ten or more countries with their kids.  It's all about priorities.  Some other families prefer to spend more on Christmas gifts or eating out every day or showing off big houses with big wheels, we prefer to travel.  We have also been enjoying your terrific two and and soon to be a fantastic three.

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