Dec 23, 2010

#65 When You Are Ready to Cast Judgment

...first walk in their shoes.  It's so easy to judge other people by their outside appearance, especially when they are not like you.  The critical spirit in you may give thoughts like, "Why would you have so many piercings in your body like that?"  or  "I'd never send my kids to school dressed like that" or "What kind of parent would let their children do things like that?"  Please hold back those thoughts and look through God's eyes.  You don't know the troubles they have been through.  They may not be as lucky as you.  They were probably not raised by great parents like you did.  Just because they are different, you should not judge them.  There is only two things you can do in these situations...mind your own business and perhaps surprise them with unexpected kindness:  take them out to lunch, start a light conversation, invite them to the next church potluck or outing, or you can even ask nicely if it's okay for you to pray for them and is there anything they'd like us to pray for.  I can't imagine anyone saying no to any of these things.

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