Jan 18, 2011

#77 How to Argue with your Spouse

When someday you get married, conflicts and arguing are common and acceptable.  In fact, families where there are no fights whatsoever, are usually families who have grown apart from each other and not interested in each other's life or interests.  Obviously the number of conflicts should be less than the number of hugs-kiss-love-positive moments.

We have heard quite a variety of advice when it comes to resolving arguments or conflicts.  Some of the best ones that we have improvised are:
  1. Both or one of you must leave the room until things calm down.  
  2. As soon as the temperature of the room rises up and blood is boiling, get naked real quick, both of you.  Preferably not in front of the kids or guests.  Continue verbal arguing while naked.  You both will realize that it's almost impossible to fight while both of you are naked.
  3. Go to separate rooms, write your thoughts into a letter, write the solutions, sign the bottom of the letter with a big "I LOVE YOU" and exchange the letters without a word and wait or see #5.
  4. Keep whispering to each other while arguing.  Never raise your voice.
  5. The best one is to be the first to say, "I'm sorry," with a kiss and hug.  Do this even when you think you are right.

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